Tuesday, February 5, 2008

What do I know, I don't even have health care

A smarter lessac-chenen than me replied:

"You mention that the differences in their health plans are negligible, but I have to disagree. Clinton has spent decades fighting for universal healthcare and actually understands its necessity and one or two things about how to get there. Obama... doesn't. Im no fan of the individual mandate... but it is a fairly necessary tool to get this country insured by health plans that might actually help them be healthy (and not bankrupt). Just forcing kids to get healthcare is the exact wrong use of mandates. It misses the point. The point being for EVERYONE to have healthcare."

Like I said, Clinton might be slightly better on this issue. I do think this reader (let's call her S. Lessac-Chenen ... no, that's too obvious, how about Simone L.C.) gives too little credit to Obama. He supports universal health care: he's said that if he could design a system from scratch it would be a single-payer government health care plan. He also knows that we can't get there immediately. I think David Brooks column in today's Times makes some decent points about the issue. He says it better than I probably can.

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